Canal de Atendimento Exclusivo para Pacientes Particulares

Cuide do seu Coração com o
uma das maiores Referências em Cardiologia em Brasília

Consultas cardiológicas especializadas e exames avançados para proteger sua saúde cardíaca.

Cuide do seu Coração com o
uma das maiores Referências em Cardiologia em Brasília

Consultas cardiológicas especializadas e exames avançados para proteger sua saúde cardíaca.

About the Clinic

Cardiology is the specialty that takes care of the heart’s health, but first, we take care of the person. We are attentive to your needs, whether for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of cardiovascular diseases or controlling the risk factors that predispose them, such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart failure, autonomic dysfunctions, dyslipidemia, overweight, sedentary lifestyle. Equally important, we are available if your need is to prevent heart and blood vessel diseases, guiding the adequate approach, adopting a lifestyle and prescribing physical activity.

In addition to individualized care, according to your objectives, we offer electrocardiogram, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), 24h Holter, cardiopulmonary stress test (ergospirometry), ankle-brachial index to assist in clinical decisions.

The Clinic's plan is to actively involve you in this care, based on shared decisions upon the best available scientific evidence.

Atendimento Humanizado

Diagnóstico Preciso

Tecnologia de Ponta

Sergio Ramalho

CRM: 14.920

CRM: 14.920

Dr Sergio has graduated as a medical doctor from Universidade Federal Fluminense, with residency in Internal Medicine at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and Cardiology fellowship at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. He is board certified as Cardiology specialist by the Brazilian Society of Cardiology/Brazilian Medical Association. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. He is an MBA in Healthcare from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He has a master's (MSc) and PhD degree in Health Sciences and Technologies from the University of Brasília, with part of the studies performed at the Cardiovascular Division of Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard University. He was part of the clinical staff of the Copa D'Or and Quinta D'Or Hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, worked as a medical officer of the Military Fire Brigade of the State of Rio de Janeiro and participated in the medical and anti-doping team of the Brazilian Confederation Aquatic Sports. In Brasilia since 2006, he coordinated the Internal Medical and Cardiopulmonary Function Lab teams at Hospital Sarah Centro of the Sarah Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals working with outpatient and inpatient care in addition to cardiac telediagnosis for the Network. He has dedicated his research in the areas of cardiovascular health of disabled persons and of cardiopulmonary interactions in aging and in heart failure. Therefore, he has clinical and research experience in the areas of Clinical and Exercise Cardiology. He is affiliated with the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and the American College of Cardiology.

Main services procurados

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Cardiopulmonary exercise test

Complementary exams

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Ankle-brachial index

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Exam that addresses the relationship of blood pressure between upper and lower limbs, measured with a vascular doppler, useful for estimating cardiovascular risk and for investigating obstructions in lower limb arteries, in peripheral arterial disease.

Cardiopulmonary stress test

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Similar to exercise testing, this exam adds simultaneous assessment of exhaled gases, providing a direct, and not estimated, measure of aerobic capacity, particularly the maximum oxygen consumption. It also provides other important parameters for prescribing recreational or programmed exercise, aiming high performance or chronic disease rehabilitation.


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The electrocardiogram instantly checks for changes in rhythm, electrical conduction, possible electrical changes due to lack of oxygenation of the heart muscle or adaptations resulting from other diseases such as high blood pressure or heart failure.


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This exam is used to check the changes in heart rhythm over 24h, investigating hidden arrhythmias, heart beat behavior during sleep and during daily activities.


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This exam is used to check the changes in heart rhythm over 24h, investigating hidden arrhythmias, heart beat behavior during sleep and during daily activities.

Avaliação Cardiometabólica

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Usando um equipamento de Biotriagem, através de bioimpedância e de onda de pulso vascular, fazemos a avaliação da composição corporal, acompanhamos a perda de massa gorda, para quem busca o peso ideal. Simultaneamente avaliamos a saúde vascular para quem tem diabetes, síndrome metabólica e hipertensão arterial. Fundamental para a acompanhar a saúde cardiovascular.

Clinical follow-up and prevention

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Identification of risk factors which can lead to cardiovascular diseases, helping to strategize preventive plans to avoid complications.

Indirect Calorimetry

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This test measures the amount of energy that your body expends at rest. The estimation of calories consumption needed is fundamental to plan the desired aim of losing or gaining or keeping the ideal body weight.

Exercise Test

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The exercise test shows the heart and blood pressure responses to acute physical stress. We check for possible silent ischemia, blood pressure responses and estimated functional capacity, with data that complement the clinical assessment regarding the establishment of cardiovascular risk.


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The ambulatory blood pressure monitoring test serves to assess the behavior of blood pressure throughout 24 hours. It provides valuable information about blood pressure fluctuations while awake, while sleeping, verifies the “white coat” effect and whether the treatment is appropriate or needs adjustments.

Pre-operative evaluation and Hospital follow up

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Follow up of the entire patient journey from pre-operative preparation of cardiac and non-cardiac surgeries and hospital visits when demanded.

Pre-operative evaluation and Hospital follow up

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Follow up of the entire patient journey from pre-operative preparation of cardiac and non-cardiac surgeries and hospital visits when demanded.

Exame do sono

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Polissonografia tipo IV Através de um aparelho portátil e um aplicativo no celular, você pode fazer uma avaliação para diagnostico e gravidade do ronco e de apneia do sono em sua casa. O laudo sai em poucas horas após o término do exame. A gravidade do ronco está ligada à saúde do coração e à qualidade de vida.


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Understand patients’ needs and propose ways to approach them, accounting for individual principles and time appointments.

Service via Teleconsultation

Teleconsultation is a form of medical consultation via video call. The online consultation aims to provide practicality in patient care. Book an appointment online.

How to get

Sergio Ramalho
Cardiology Clinic

Edf. Crispim

SMHN Quadra 2, Bloco C, Sala 1409, Asa Norte, Brasília - DF

+55 61 3328-3636

+55 61 9 9969-0708



Copyright © 2024 Dr. Sérgio Ramalho